How to Multiboot your USB!

Hey guys!
This tutorial is for people who want to carry a whole OS (maybe more) on their USB sticks.
The tool that I'm going to use is YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) from Pendrive Linux.
Download the EXE from this link: YUMI EXE
Once its downloaded, Open it and then select the USB device on which you want to install the OS(es) on.
Next, choose the flavour of linux to install on the USB.
Once you have chosen the distribution, browse to the .iso file (If you don't have the .iso file for that distribution, there will be a link for downloading the iso file.)
Then, click on "Create" to start the process.
Once its done, it will ask you if you want to install another OS. If you click yes, it will repeat the above process.
To boot into the USB, get into the BIOS menu for your computer and change the boot order to keep the USB before the Hard Disk. (Search on Google for instructions for your specific model of computer)
Thanks for reading!


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